Roscato Bianco Dolce 750 ml
Chardonnay - Muscat
This wine is pale straw in color with fine, delicate bubbles. The bouquet displays delicate aromas of peach, yellow apples and candied citrus. Sweet yet refreshing with a lingering finish.Roscato is an irresistible, delicately sweet, gently fizzy wine from the northern Italian region of Lombardy. Made from native grape varieties grown in this beautiful region for centuries. Roscato seamlessly combines a long-held grape growing tradition with the flair of modern winemaking techniques and style. Chardonnay •
Roscato Bianco Dolce 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
This wine is pale straw in color with fine, delicate bubbles. The bouquet displays delicate aromas of peach, yellow apples and candied citrus. Sweet yet refreshing with a lingering finish.Roscato is an irresistible, delicately sweet, gently fizzy wine from the northern Italian region of Lombardy. Made from native grape varieties grown in this beautiful region for centuries. Roscato seamlessly combines a long-held grape growing tradition with the flair of modern winemaking techniques and style. Chardonnay •
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 4.1 |
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