Duckhorn The Discussion 750 ml
Bordeaux Blend Red
Duckhorn Vineyards
The gorgeous nose of this wine immediately evokes thoughts of ripe black cherry and juicy wild blueberry. As it opens up, tantalizing layers of espresso, vanilla, star anise, cocoa powder and sweet baking spices are revealed. On the bright, juicy palate, layers of brambly fruit and pomegranate mingle with subtle savory accents and hints of bittersweet chocolate and cardamom. The tannins are silky and supple, adding plushness and weight to the luxurious flavors that build in density on the mid-palate, before gliding to a long, resonant finish. 43% Merlot 1% Petite Verdot •
Duckhorn The Discussion 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
The gorgeous nose of this wine immediately evokes thoughts of ripe black cherry and juicy wild blueberry. As it opens up, tantalizing layers of espresso, vanilla, star anise, cocoa powder and sweet baking spices are revealed. On the bright, juicy palate, layers of brambly fruit and pomegranate mingle with subtle savory accents and hints of bittersweet chocolate and cardamom. The tannins are silky and supple, adding plushness and weight to the luxurious flavors that build in density on the mid-palate, before gliding to a long, resonant finish. 43% Merlot 1% Petite Verdot •
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 4.6 |
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