Orin Swift Machete 750 ml
Rare Red Blend
Orin Swift
A dark mauve core with a neon purple rim, the wine stains everything. Opening aromatics on the 2022 Machete are gorgeous immediately: ripe pluot, carne asada, new cowboy boots, lilacs, espresso bean and wet concrete. On the palate, layers upon layers reveal themselves, from a plum galette topped with fior di latte gelato to 85% cacao dark chocolate to barbequed tri-tip and sweet oak. Puckering tannins to finish, the wine closes on a high note with a touch of blood orange zest and lingering acidity. Syrah Syrah
Orin Swift Machete 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
A dark mauve core with a neon purple rim, the wine stains everything. Opening aromatics on the 2022 Machete are gorgeous immediately: ripe pluot, carne asada, new cowboy boots, lilacs, espresso bean and wet concrete. On the palate, layers upon layers reveal themselves, from a plum galette topped with fior di latte gelato to 85% cacao dark chocolate to barbequed tri-tip and sweet oak. Puckering tannins to finish, the wine closes on a high note with a touch of blood orange zest and lingering acidity. Syrah Syrah
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 4.4 |
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