Sullivan Petit Verdot 750 ml
Petit Verdot
The 2016 Petit Verdot is deep dark purple and shows its power. Dusty toasty oak with savory dark chocolate and black cherry. There is a dense, sappy, coating nature to this wine yet there is a freshness to the acidity. The fine grain tannins show’s the structure and gives the wine length that is persistent. Enjoy this wine for many years to come. 23% Cabernet Sauvignon •
Sullivan Petit Verdot 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
The 2016 Petit Verdot is deep dark purple and shows its power. Dusty toasty oak with savory dark chocolate and black cherry. There is a dense, sappy, coating nature to this wine yet there is a freshness to the acidity. The fine grain tannins show’s the structure and gives the wine length that is persistent. Enjoy this wine for many years to come. 23% Cabernet Sauvignon •
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 4.3 |
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