Erath Pinot Noir Rose 750 ml

Pinot Noir
74% of 100
 This is a true French-style rosé. Pink grapefruit, Meyer lemon, and fresh peach flavors are balanced with light, savory notes and fragrances of hibiscus and jasmine. Tension created by the acid backbone provides the needed structure for such a delicate wine. The finish is crisp and light, making a perfect pairing for many food dishes.Pair with strawberry kale sale, summer BBQ, Prosciutto and arugula pizza.
Erath Pinot Noir Rose 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
 This is a true French-style rosé. Pink grapefruit, Meyer lemon, and fresh peach flavors are balanced with light, savory notes and fragrances of hibiscus and jasmine. Tension created by the acid backbone provides the needed structure for such a delicate wine. The finish is crisp and light, making a perfect pairing for many food dishes.Pair with strawberry kale sale, summer BBQ, Prosciutto and arugula pizza.
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Package 750ml Bottle
Rating Score 3.7
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