Kim Crawford Rose 750 ml
Rare Rose Blend
Kim Crawford
Kim Crawford French Rosé wine offers a sip of the French lifestyle. The grapes deliver an elegant and bright Rosé with notes of fresh red fruit, white floral aromas, and ends with a crisp, dry finish. The “perfect anytime” sipping wine, Kim Crawford Rosé is made from grapes grown in France, one of the world’s most famous regions for growing this varietal.COLOR: Pretty pale pink colorAROMA: Lively nose, brimming with bright berry, rose petals, and watermelon notesPALATE: This elegant Rosé is richly fruited with hints of watermelon and fresh cherries, leading to a crisp and dry finish accented by floral notes.APPELLATION: FrancePAIRINGS: Ideal as an aperitif or summer sipper, this easy-drinking wine also pairs perfectly with lighter salads, roasted eggplant, or grilled swordfish.
Kim Crawford Rose 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
Kim Crawford French Rosé wine offers a sip of the French lifestyle. The grapes deliver an elegant and bright Rosé with notes of fresh red fruit, white floral aromas, and ends with a crisp, dry finish. The “perfect anytime” sipping wine, Kim Crawford Rosé is made from grapes grown in France, one of the world’s most famous regions for growing this varietal.COLOR: Pretty pale pink colorAROMA: Lively nose, brimming with bright berry, rose petals, and watermelon notesPALATE: This elegant Rosé is richly fruited with hints of watermelon and fresh cherries, leading to a crisp and dry finish accented by floral notes.APPELLATION: FrancePAIRINGS: Ideal as an aperitif or summer sipper, this easy-drinking wine also pairs perfectly with lighter salads, roasted eggplant, or grilled swordfish.
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 3.5 |
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