Bonterra Rose 750 ml
Rare Rose Blend
Bonterra Vineyards
This delicate Grenache-based blend conjures aromas of ruby red grapefruit, red cherry, and watermelon, framed by a palate of pomegranate, red berries, a hint of peach and a suggestion of cotton candy. This beautifully dry rosé boasts elevated acidity and a crisp, lingering finish.
Bonterra Rose 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
This delicate Grenache-based blend conjures aromas of ruby red grapefruit, red cherry, and watermelon, framed by a palate of pomegranate, red berries, a hint of peach and a suggestion of cotton candy. This beautifully dry rosé boasts elevated acidity and a crisp, lingering finish.
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 3.7 |
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