Bollinger Brut Special Cuvee 750 ml
Champagne Blend
A golden color, distinctive of black grape varieties. Very fine bubbles. On the nose, it has a beautiful aromatic complexity, ripe fruit, and spicy aromas, with hints of roasted apples, apple compote, and peaches. On the palate, there is a subtle combination of structure, length, and vivacity. The bubbles are like velvet. Flavors of pear, brioche and spicy aromas, notes of fresh walnut.Pinot Noir Pinot Meunier
Bollinger Brut Special Cuvee 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
A golden color, distinctive of black grape varieties. Very fine bubbles. On the nose, it has a beautiful aromatic complexity, ripe fruit, and spicy aromas, with hints of roasted apples, apple compote, and peaches. On the palate, there is a subtle combination of structure, length, and vivacity. The bubbles are like velvet. Flavors of pear, brioche and spicy aromas, notes of fresh walnut.Pinot Noir Pinot Meunier
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 4.3 |
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