Aubry Brut 750 ml

Champagne Blend
Aubry Fils
80% of 100
Hints of orchard fruit, spice, chamomile, tangerine oil and almond develop over time, but it is the wine's balance that comes through. The heavy presence of red grapes is felt in both the flavor profile and overall weight. Best of all, the Brut is a fabulous value. Chardonnay Fromenteau Arbanne •
Aubry Brut 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
Hints of orchard fruit, spice, chamomile, tangerine oil and almond develop over time, but it is the wine's balance that comes through. The heavy presence of red grapes is felt in both the flavor profile and overall weight. Best of all, the Brut is a fabulous value. Chardonnay Fromenteau Arbanne •
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Package 750ml Bottle
Rating Score 4
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