Domaine Carneros Brut 750 ml
Champagne Blend
Domaine Carneros
The 2020 vintage is defined by low yields and concentrated, complex fruit. Early spring frosts and rain during May fruit set limited the number of berries per cluster, which allowed the vine to concentrate more of its resources towards each berry during development. Limited winter rainfall kept berries small while optimal temperatures throughout July and August ripened them beautifully.The wine displays lovely notes of pear, green apple, and citrus zest on the nose with a hint of light toastiness. On the palate this wine reveals nuances of baked apple, brioche, and a touch of key lime pie that complement the notes from the nose. 38% Chardonnay •
Domaine Carneros Brut 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
The 2020 vintage is defined by low yields and concentrated, complex fruit. Early spring frosts and rain during May fruit set limited the number of berries per cluster, which allowed the vine to concentrate more of its resources towards each berry during development. Limited winter rainfall kept berries small while optimal temperatures throughout July and August ripened them beautifully.The wine displays lovely notes of pear, green apple, and citrus zest on the nose with a hint of light toastiness. On the palate this wine reveals nuances of baked apple, brioche, and a touch of key lime pie that complement the notes from the nose. 38% Chardonnay •
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 4 |
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