Gloria Ferrer Blanc De Blancs 750 ml
Gloria Ferrer
Pale green in color with an aromatic bouquet of blood oranges, green apples and toasted brioche, it is refreshing and light on the palate with a dry finish and bright citrus flavors.At Gloria Ferrer, the range of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay that comes from the estate vineyards give the winemaking team a remarkable palette for blending. There are no shortcuts in the methode champenoise process, so the wines of Gloria Ferrer are given the extra care and time required.
Gloria Ferrer Blanc De Blancs 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
Pale green in color with an aromatic bouquet of blood oranges, green apples and toasted brioche, it is refreshing and light on the palate with a dry finish and bright citrus flavors.At Gloria Ferrer, the range of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay that comes from the estate vineyards give the winemaking team a remarkable palette for blending. There are no shortcuts in the methode champenoise process, so the wines of Gloria Ferrer are given the extra care and time required.
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 3.8 |
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