Scharffenberger Brut Excellence 750 ml
Champagne Blend
After approximately two years on the lees, there are notes of freshly baked bread and pastry that enhancesthe more fruit forward style of the wine. Finally, after several months on the cork, the wine develops carameland hazel complexors. Scharffenberger Cellars was founded in 1981 with the commitment to making ultra premium sparkling wines, which are today established among America's finest. 60% Chardonnay •
Scharffenberger Brut Excellence 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
After approximately two years on the lees, there are notes of freshly baked bread and pastry that enhancesthe more fruit forward style of the wine. Finally, after several months on the cork, the wine develops carameland hazel complexors. Scharffenberger Cellars was founded in 1981 with the commitment to making ultra premium sparkling wines, which are today established among America's finest. 60% Chardonnay •
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 3.7 |
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