Stella Rosa Stella Berry 750 ml
Rare Rose Blend
Il Conte
OVERVIEWSpunky and spirited sums up Stella Rosa Berry, a semi-sweet, semi-sparkling wine. This wine is like the best friend who is always going to keep you in a good mood.FLAVOR PROFILEWild strawberry, blackberry and red berry.FOOD PAIRING RECOMMENDATIONSBlue Stilton and Blueberry Goats cheeses, smoked pork ribs, tuna burgers, chocolate truffles, chocolate cookies & cream.
Stella Rosa Stella Berry 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
OVERVIEWSpunky and spirited sums up Stella Rosa Berry, a semi-sweet, semi-sparkling wine. This wine is like the best friend who is always going to keep you in a good mood.FLAVOR PROFILEWild strawberry, blackberry and red berry.FOOD PAIRING RECOMMENDATIONSBlue Stilton and Blueberry Goats cheeses, smoked pork ribs, tuna burgers, chocolate truffles, chocolate cookies & cream.
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 4 |
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