Weinbach Riesling Colette 750 ml
Opens with a very candied nose. The wine is exceptionally ripe and varietal on the palate with white pepper, golden raisin, pineapple, and butterscotch notes. There also is a nutty character with hazelnuts and rum raisin on the finish. This wine is absolutely delicious.
Weinbach Riesling Colette 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
Opens with a very candied nose. The wine is exceptionally ripe and varietal on the palate with white pepper, golden raisin, pineapple, and butterscotch notes. There also is a nutty character with hazelnuts and rum raisin on the finish. This wine is absolutely delicious.
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 4.2 |
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