Montelena Chardonnay 750 ml

Chateau Montelena
86% of 100
 Time is the critical element in Montelena wines. It’s the opposite of “best practices” in agriculture and the standardized, proverbial focus on being lean and efficient. Luxury embodies time. It’s in the nature of vineyard expression over the course of an entire year, or the expression of site over the decades. A wine’s maturation in barrel is delineated as a function of time, despite its inherent complexity. This, in turn, is reflected in the patience of discovery: the anticipation of a wine’s future development in bottle. Most importantly, it’s the time taken to savor a glass – and the moment – when it’s finally opened to be enjoyed and shared.
Montelena Chardonnay 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
 Time is the critical element in Montelena wines. It’s the opposite of “best practices” in agriculture and the standardized, proverbial focus on being lean and efficient. Luxury embodies time. It’s in the nature of vineyard expression over the course of an entire year, or the expression of site over the decades. A wine’s maturation in barrel is delineated as a function of time, despite its inherent complexity. This, in turn, is reflected in the patience of discovery: the anticipation of a wine’s future development in bottle. Most importantly, it’s the time taken to savor a glass – and the moment – when it’s finally opened to be enjoyed and shared.
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Package 750ml Bottle
Rating Score 4.3
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