M Chapoutier Ermitage Le Meal Blanc 750 ml
Initial notes of smoke and earth dissipate with aeration to reveal perfumed notes of quince, ginger and pear. It's a rich, expansive white made from 100-year-old Marsanne grapes grown on the chalk and alluvial soils of the Le Méal vineyard. In youth, it offers pristine orchard fruit and spice, but it's a wine that's better left till 2022 at least. It will reward cellaring for decades.Marsanne
M Chapoutier Ermitage Le Meal Blanc 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
Initial notes of smoke and earth dissipate with aeration to reveal perfumed notes of quince, ginger and pear. It's a rich, expansive white made from 100-year-old Marsanne grapes grown on the chalk and alluvial soils of the Le Méal vineyard. In youth, it offers pristine orchard fruit and spice, but it's a wine that's better left till 2022 at least. It will reward cellaring for decades.Marsanne
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 4.4 |
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