New Age White Sweet Wine 750 ml
Rare White Blend
Valentin Bianchi
New Age White is a light yellow-green colored wine, with fruity and floral aromas of great intensity. Balanced acidity leads to soft, semi-sweet and slightly effervescent flavors and mouth feel. It is an extremely refreshing, vivacious and sensual wine.Should be served well-chilled as an aperitif or dessert. Also tastes great with spicy Thai, Indian, Chinese or Japanese cuisine.
New Age White Sweet Wine 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
New Age White is a light yellow-green colored wine, with fruity and floral aromas of great intensity. Balanced acidity leads to soft, semi-sweet and slightly effervescent flavors and mouth feel. It is an extremely refreshing, vivacious and sensual wine.Should be served well-chilled as an aperitif or dessert. Also tastes great with spicy Thai, Indian, Chinese or Japanese cuisine.
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 3.9 |
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