ZD Chardonnay 750 ml
This wine is bursting with aromas of ripe pineapple, apricot and orange blossom. Subtle hints of sweet vanilla, pear, and honey add to the incredibly complex aromas. Full bodied and rich on the palate, the wine is flavored with the ripe, tropical fruit and toasted oak that integrate nicely with the balanced acidity. This wine is drinking beautifully now and will continue to develop complexity for some time.
ZD Chardonnay 750 ml is available to buy in increments of 1
This wine is bursting with aromas of ripe pineapple, apricot and orange blossom. Subtle hints of sweet vanilla, pear, and honey add to the incredibly complex aromas. Full bodied and rich on the palate, the wine is flavored with the ripe, tropical fruit and toasted oak that integrate nicely with the balanced acidity. This wine is drinking beautifully now and will continue to develop complexity for some time.
Package | 750ml Bottle |
Rating Score | 4.2 |
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